The <Aeterum Arcanum> Guild

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Icce  - Druid
(Brownfeather's alt)

in Mulgore
(August 8, 2009)



Kaanas at the Crossroads
(August 8, 2009)



Kaanas and Icce in Thunderbluff
(August 8, 2009)


Icce flying into Thunderbluff
(August 10, 2009)



Icce flying into Thunderbluff
(August 10, 2009)



Posiden (Curn) and Icce meet in Thunderbluff
(August 10, 2009)



Oats (Raeowyn) and Icce take a break from killing to have a picnic in Mulgore
(August 12, 2009)



Icce in Durotar
(August 13, 2009)



Kaanas meets up with Cenna (Ice/Brownfeather)
(August 14, 2009)



Veld (Icce/Bloodfeather) and Datharian (Kaanas) in the Blood Elf Newb Zone
(August 15, 2009)



Veld and Datharian take time out to have a picnic in Eversong Forest (the Blood Elf Newb Zone)
(August 15, 2009)



Bogo and Icce take time out to have a picnic in the Mulgore (the Tauren Newb Zone)
(August 15, 2009)



While fighting in Alterac Valley Battlegrounds, Brownfeather gets a ride up the hill on a motorcyle (in the side car)
(August 15, 2009)



Brownfeather and Lifecrave repair their gear before returning to fight another battle in Alterac Valley Battlegrounds
(August 15, 2009)



Posiden, Icce and Oats
(August 16, 2009)



Lifecrave dances
(August 16, 2009)

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Revised  Sept 1, 2009