The <Aeterum Arcanum> Guild



Character Biographies



26. The Story of Atropos


The Story of Atropos


(...The air over the city hung heavy like any other day. The ruins of the city stood in eerie silence concealing the beauty of what once was but is no longer. Even the people that could be seen from ridden mounts in the air held an eerie look to them. This was a forgotten place and a forgotten people... "Best not stop here" said the young male night elf to his young daughter. "Why daddy?" "Oh this place is forsaken… or at least that is what the elders say. Nothing for you to worry yourself with, my child. We will just keep on flying hold on tight"...)

 No tears fell as Atropos jerked up from the damp floor. "Damn" she said softly. She wished she could just get some rest without having all the memories flood back. The small corner she had crawled into was dark and damp. The air was heavy with the smell of mold and rot although she could sense the smell more than actually smell it. She could hear the drip of water as it leaked through the thick stone walls. Rats skittered across the floor greedily snatching up any crumbs that might fall through from above. The hustle from the other forsaken was the same as every other day, steady and constant.

 "Momma, Momma" the soft delicate hand of a little girl tugged at her arm. She could see the small oval eyes look up, as blue as the sky over Lorderan. Her hair was the color of sunshine on the clearest sunny day.

 The little girl, with two rosy cheeks plump and smiling lips, looked up at her with all the anticipation that only one so young could have. Her little robes swirling around her as she and Atropos walked to the market. The same walk they had made once a week to gather flour and other items for cooking or thread for Atropos to tailor with before returning to their farm. They lived a simple comfortable life with the money she and her husband made and on every trip to Lorderan there was always candy and flowers purchased for the little girl. Atropos wished she could remember her little girl’s name but it had not returned to her memories yet, and she had given up trying to remember all the names of her friends and family who she had lost in the horrible slaughter.

 "Momma I want some of your bread. Please. Daddy wants some too. Can we have it tonight? Please, oh please”, the little girl said in a melodic voice. Longing made Atropos's shoulders droop. If she could cry she would, but her eyes no longer held tears.  For that matter, her skin would never feel her daughter’s plump cheeks, never caress her husband’s hands after a long day in the fields. Atropos stood. A piece of her skin stuck to the wall as she brushed it with her arm.

 "Guess it’s a good thing they can't see me now" thought Atropos. The wave of anger that swept over Atropos almost made her swoon. "ARTHAS"...she screamed, "Its one thing to kill me, but my husband, my daughter, You, You, You... They were not even sick"  Her shoulders dropped even farther.  The wave of anger passed as quickly as it came, leaving only sheer determination in its place.

 A small voice whispered, "Kill him Momma. Kill him." Atropos lifted her head, "I still have you don't I, baby?" Atropos smiled crazily.

 Heading out of the city, she lifted her staff to help her move. The sickness had caused her legs to rot as well as her arms and face. She moved with a particular gait but she still got around easily. What the sickness had taken away, it had replaced with other abilities, ones that were far more useful to her now than cooking and sewing. Atropos recalled waking, not remembering anything of how she had gotten so far from her home, her body falling apart. The rage, shock, and desperation flooding her mind, all the memories of the slaughter playing over and over in her head. If it had not been for her little girl she would still be in those woods. "Find him and get him Mommy" her daughter’s image said to her after years of wandering around the woods alone. This was why she was here, and she would kill him for everything he had taken from her.

 She had practiced with the abilities that someone or something had given her. She was still learning, but felt confidant that she was making improvements. Atropos called her mount to her. "Well let’s go see what we can do today" she thought. "Don't worry baby Momma’s gonna get him and if anyone stands in my way I'll kill them to." The large bronze drake jumped effortlessly into the air and headed out of the town.

 The little girl’s face smiled up at Atropos "I love you Momma" she whispered. "I love you too." Atropos said to the little girl’s ghost.



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July 20, 2010