The <Aeterum Arcanum> Guild



Character Biographies



The Story of MAGROK




Sitting atop one of the huts in Orgrimmar, looking down upon the city to which he had recently returned, an Orc named Magrok sits in contemplation.

So much has happened in the past few years... and everything is so different from the way it used to be.  Only decades ago was Magrok was running through the grasses of Nagrand, hunting Talbuk and hiding from Clefthoof.  Then came the Legion, and their cunning trickery.  They even had the Shamans of Shadowmoon Valley fooled!  But, he made it through the demonic taint of the Old Horde.  He made it through the Internment Camps of Hillsbrad.  Death was the one thing that could stop him... and so much more.

True, the might of the Scourge Armies proved too much for Magrok of the Warsong Clan.  Eventually, he fell in combat, but the Scourgelords must have seen something in him before his death, because rather than running his corpse through the bonegrinders, they took him and made him into a champion of the Lich King; a Death Knight.  Forced to live beyond life with a Will not his own, Magrok helplessly slaughtered teems of Azerothian citizens, regardless of their faith, faction, or creed.

Then, nearly two years ago, Magrok made it through that ordeal as well, being released from the Lich King’s hold by the events at Light's Hope Chapel, Magrok sought to rejoin the Horde. 

Magrok now spends his days striving to regain the honor which he so quickly lost under the Scourge command.  Will he ever be able to repay his great debt to his people?  To his Warchief?  Time only can tell.  Magrok is prepared to take up his blade to any who might oppose his Warchief, his people, his Horde; all for the purpose of trying to regain Honor lost, and to just make it one more day.




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July 12, 2010