The <Aeterum Arcanum> Guild



Character Biographies



 Malvandra – the hunter assassin



Malvandra was a blood elf that had a Father who was the leader of an assassin's clan named "The Assassin's Creed", also referred to as "The Creed". 

This family lived in a little town underground filled with blood elfs and orcs, in the back was a palace place and red bricks with Horde flags hanging from the ranger towers.

Malvandra’s Father, Altair, wanted his son to become what he has, a Lord of The Creed so he talked to Mal, and Mal agreed to go to the Assassin's trainer to become an assassin of peace.

What The Creed does is fight for peace.  They kill people that they have studied for several weeks.  They kill people who are "bad".  What is bad, exactly?  It’s people who sell weapons to the Alliance AND Horde, who kill innocents, and people who are just evil.

Malvandra became very skilled with swords, axes, and daggers, as well with Bows, Crossbows and Guns.

Soon after a few months of training Altair realized that Malvandra was different.  He was not a rogue like the others.  One day Malvandra was on an Assassin's mission to kill a man who killed innocent people.  He was in the forest and a bear came after him and in some foreign language he made the pet loyal to him.  From that day on, he was a hunter in “The Creed”. He was the first hunter in "The Creed" so the other Assassins, all rogues, made fun of him.

About two years later a disease spread through-out the town in which they lived. It was  called "Quel'Salam" and many, many people died from it.  The gates of the palace were closed until the disease had vanished.  One day Altair got it from a guard who snuck out at night, so Altair had to hold a tournament to see who was going to be the new Lord of the Creed with  the tittle "Lord <name here>, Leader of The Creed".  

Malvandra fought hard to represent himself as a different assassin.  After 4 days of fighting thousands of people in a field, Malvandra was the last standing.  Altair granted Malvandra, his son, the title, the Masters outfit, and Altair’s deadly blade.

Two days later, Altair died and the disease spread through-out the palace and town and killed everyone except Malvandra.

Months later, Malvandra made it to Orgrimmar and met up with his friend Garrosh Hellscream.  Together they visited Thrall and since Thrall knew about “The Creed” he knew who Mal was and he said to him, "Young boy, I know your talents. Please join my army in Northrend and be leader of the warsong offensive."

"But Sir, I have an Assassins group, what should I do with them?" Malvandra asked. 

Thrall said, "I’ll have plate armor made for them and they will be your royal guards.  You will have your own throne and be protected in a castle with at least 100 men around you to protect you."

"I accept” said Malvandra, “but only if Garrosh is there with me." 

"Done", Thrall said.

So now Malvandra wears the Masters outfit and wields the deadly blade of Altair, and he is also a warchief.  Thrall combined the tittles to make: “Lord Malvandra, High Warchief of the Warsong Offensive"

But you still don’t know Malvandra’s childhood.  When he was born, he had dark black hair and green glowing eyes. He loved sports. He and his friend would spar with wooden swords. Malvandra was very skilled. One day a few bullies made fun of him because of his eyes and he fought 4 orcs at the same time.  From that day on, he was a fighter and every one feared him.

As a child, Malvandra didn’t do much.  He was the student with the best scores in his classes "Stategic moves D and O", "Sword fighting", and "Ranged fighting". That was when Altair decided he was really born an "Assassin of the Creed."  


(Feb 25, 2010)


(Feb 27, 2010)


(March 4, 2010)


(March 27, 2010)

Ten years after the disease spread through the city, Malvandra went back to his home town and rebuilt it bit by bit.  To keep the assassins alive, Malvandra build a translocater with his engineering skills so he could teleport down in case of emergency.  One day as Malvandra was on his way down to the city, the tunnel collapsed, but Malvandra didn't worry because he had a teleporter to get down there and he stepped into to. As it did so, he felt something..., he felt changed.  He looked down at his hand.  "Three fingers?"   What’s this?  He had been changed into a tauren. 

Freaking out, Malvandra took the portal back.  Malvandra, torn up by his failure, ripped apart his teleporter and never touched that blue print again.  Not only did he rip it up, but, in fact, he actually burned it. 

Ever since his father died, Malvandra had the bloodlust of a thousand assassins in one.  He thinks he knows who spread the disease through the city... You better stay away from Malvandra.  His bloodlust will help him kill you even faster..... Please... do NOT mess with Malvandra.  His bloodlust will overtake him and cloud his thoughts of who you are, and of what you did and didn't do, as well as what you can do to stop him.  He’s not afraid of pain.


(May 4, 2010)
Malvandra took on the form of an Orc on the day that Queen Laara removed the curse.


(October 30, 2010)
Malvandra "back" in his true form.

Malvandra with a new bow ...



Killingblow's Story


Killingblow - a warrior - level 36
(July 15, 2010)


(Malvandra’s alt – a warrior)

Kaliver Claugullis ("Killingblow") was a human who betrayed the alliance for killing innocent people, including his brother Kedryn.  He walked from Stormwind to Orgrimmar and persuaded the guards to take him to Thrall.  He wanted to become part of the Horde and to prove that he was not a spy from the Alliance, when he was brought before Thrall he went down on his knee and begged Thrall to allow him to plead his oath to him.

Oath giving, pledging fealty to someone or some realm is not done lightly.  It’s for life!  Thrall knew that no one would take an oath like that lightly because it would mean a certain quick death if the oath were broken.  Thrall knew that it would be hard to recognize Kaliver as a loyal follower of his by simply having it known that he had pleaded his oath.  If he was going to accept Kaliver’s oath, he would have to do something to set Kaliver apart from his “human” race, to show his trust in Kaliver and to protect him.

Thrall decided to believe Kaliver, and he agreed to allow Kaliver to become part of his realm.  Kaliver gave his oath to Thrall before everyone in the battleroom in Orgrimmar.  Thrall ordered that the horde symbol be branded on Kaliver’s right shoulder as a symbol of his pledge of fealty to Thrall and to the Horde people.  Everyone knew what that brand meant.  It would be recognized for what it was: a symbol of an oath having been given to Thrall, a special privilege having been given to Kaliver by Thrall, a protection for Kaliver, and a responsibility to live up to this oath.  They would all respect Kaliver and treat him as an equal, so long as he remained faithful to Thrall and the Horde people.  It was really an honour bestowed by Thrall on Kaliver that they would all recognize and respect it.

Once the symbol was branded on his shoulder for all to see, Kaliver was not afraid to walk through the city.  As he walked through the town, he saw a big Tauren with two weapons on her back.  He asked that Tauren, "Hello mam, I don’t have any training to be a warrior and I see you do, can you train me?" She turned towards Kaliver and saw the fresh brand on his shoulder.  She bowed to Kaliver and replied, "Yes, certainly.  I will be glad to do that.  We'll start with names.  I am Thorevalda, of the King’s Guard, and you are?" He said, "I am Kaliver"

After a few months of training, Thore decided that Kaliver was ready for his first battle, so Thore went to Thrall and asked permission to send Kaliver into Warsong Gultch to fight.  Thrall gave his permission and he deployed Kaliver into the field.  So, it was that Kaliver went off to battle in Warsong Gultch.  That is where he earned the name “Killingblow” by his actions there.  He killed more people in that battleground than anyone else. 

Thrall saw Kaliver’s accomplishment and called him to Orgrimmar.  Thrall decided to send Kaliver to fight alongside Deathbringer Saurfang in the fight for the Wrathgate.  Kaliver was looking forward to seeing the Wrathgate, but he had no idea that he was heading out on a journey that would change his life. 

Upon arriving in Dragonblight, at the encampment near the Wrathgate, Kaliver put on his armor and picked up his sword.  He lifted the door flap and strode out of the tent to join the troops who were heading out to fight.  He was looking forward to the battle.  Everyone was fighting hard.  Then, Kaliver looked up and that was when he saw him… the Lich King… with his great sword in his hand.  The cold chill of that great sword went right through his body to his bones.  It was at that moment when Saurfang charged in towards the Lich King to fight him.  Kaliver tried to stop him, but he was not quick enough and Saurfang ran on towards a certain death.  Saurfang died from one blow of Arthas' sword. 

It was only a moment later when the betraying Forsaken launched their plague barrels down upon them all and the Lich King sent out his minions to finish off the Alliance and Horde that were on the battlefield in front of the Wrathgate.

Kaliver held his ground and yelled out his battle shout and began swinging his weapon with all his might, slicing through the enemy scourge with zeal.  Everywhere around him you could hear shouting and the clanging of weapon against weapon.  Kaliver lost track of the noises around him.  He was solely focused on killing and staying alive.

Many were able to escape that day.  Still yet, many more died in that little section where the plague barrels landed and green gas spewed out it’s poison.  In the end, as many lay unconscious, near death, or dead on the battlefield, Kaliver fell.  His last sight was that of the red dragons soaring down from the sky, using their great fire breathes to sear the land free from the poisonous gas.  He did not know it but the mighty dragons burned the catapults down and carried off those still living to safety.  However, Kaliver was dead.  He was a human dressed in horde armor with a horde symbol branded onto his shoulder, lying beside the bodies of Saurfang and Fordragon, the Horde and Alliance battle leaders, in front of the Wrathgate.  He didn’t know it, but he was a hero.  He had saved hundreds of lives with his actions that day.

Word spread throughout the land of the Battle at the Wrathgate.  It came to Queen Laara’s ears the story of this young hero who had given his oath to Thrall and then gone and fought so hard and lost his life fighting for the Alliance AND the Horde that day.   She decided to save him, and she had to the power to do it.  She would go and find his body, resurrect him and restore his life to him.  She would then invite him to come to Silvermoon City and become one of her knights. She knew that the young hero’s oath to Thrall was ended, since he was dead.

So, Queen Laara called one of her royal knights to her side and the two of them traveled up to the Wrathgate in Dragonblight in search of Kaliver’s body.  When Queen Laara and Knight Malvandra arrived there, they found that all of the bodies had disappeared, but Queen Laara did not give up her desire to find Kaliver’s body.  She was determined to find it.  She just knew that it had been buried somewhere.  All they had to do was find the grave.  So, Knight Malvandra started making inquiries and in only a short period of time he found out that Kaliver’s body had been taken to Taurren Mill and buried there in the graveyard beside the chapel.

Queen Laara and Knight Malvandra immediately sat out for Tauren Mill, arriving there that evening.  They went directly to the cemetery where they saw many new graves.  Malvandra found the one that marked the grave of Kaliver and dug into the soft packed earth, digging down to reveal Kaliver’s coffin.  He brushed away the last of the soft earth off the cover and pried the coffin lid loose and opened it up.  Queen Laara stepped down into the coffin and, standing over Kaliver’s body, she used her holy power and resurrected the body of Kaliver and made him live once more.  He had changed.  He was no longer a human.  He was reborn an undead.

Kaliver sat up and looked at Queen Laara and Knight Malvandra, and saw the smiles on their faces.  They helped him out of the coffin and Queen Laara said to him, as they lifted him out of the grave, “Arise Hero. Come fight by my side. Come with us to Silvermoon City and train with my royal knights.  Protect me and my family.”

Kaliver was surprised to see Queen Laara there and to hear her words, but he understood her request.  He knew this was an honour and something of great importance because it was Queen Laara herself who had come to find his body and it was she who had resurrected him back to life, and it was she herself who was inviting him to join her realm.  Kaliver knew that he was free of his oath to Thrall, because he had died at the Wrathgate.  He was free to pledge his fealty to Queen Laara, and so he did.  Kaliver immediately went down on one knee before Queen Laara and pledged his fealty to her, accepting her invitation. 

Knight Malvandra handed Kaliver a sack of amour and an axe that he had made and told him to put them on and come with him and Queen Laara back to Silvermoon City. 

Once back in Silvermoon City, Queen Laara called a meeting of her royal guards and knights in the throne room.  She called Kaliver to her side and announced,  “From this day forth, this undead hero will be known as “Killingblow” and he will serve as one of my royal knights.  Let all respect him and know of his good deeds.” 

Killingblow was surprised that Queen Laara knew of this name by which he went secretly.  He did not know that Queen Laara knew that he had been called “Killingblow” that day after his first battleground experience, and he was awestruck by the Queen’s announcement.

So it was that Kaliver was reborn as "KIllingblow" and he became one of Queen Laara’s Royal Knights.  From that date forth, he was no longer Kaliver Claugullis.  He was “Killingblow”… AND He IS.... Killingblow.


(July 13, 2010)



The Story of Grezuul

in Orgrimmar, Grezuul and Vlandrossi meet up with Dyy
(December 5, 2009)


Grezuul was a happy little troll when his family of rogues adopted a new little boy troll named Zudtok. Grezuul was a few years older than Zudtok and had always wanted a baby brother.  He was happy to finally have one.  Zudtok was shy at first but Grezuul gave him a hug and said, "Welcome", and took his hand and took him to the space he would share with Grezuul to show him is things.

Grezuul was a good brother to Zudtok.  They did many things together.  They talked and they danced to the village Voodoo music.  It was so fun.  At school they would fight big Tauren bullies.  They were the best in school.  On teamwork days they played soccer near the village with a leather ball their father made.  They were called "The Epic Rogues" because they worked so well together and never gave up.  No one could tell that they were not brothers by blood.  They got along so well.

Grezuul wondered about how it was that Zudtok got to be sent to the orphanage where his parents found him, but he never asked Zudtok and Zudtok never told him during all the years of their growing up together.  Grezuul remembers that Zudtok cried a lot, especially at night, when he first came to live with Grezuul and his family, but Zudtok never would say why.  He would just turn into his pillow and cry silently.  There was no way to comfort him.


Grezuul and Zudtok, brothers by Adoption - December 7, 2009

One day, a few years later, when the boys were finally grown up, Grezuul was ambushed and captured by the Scourge.  They dragged him away in chains.  They took him to Ebon Hold and tortured and brainwashed him there at the instructions of the Lich King.  The Lich King came and whispered to him and Grezuul forgot all about his home and his brother Zudtok.  He became all that his brother Zudtok fought against.

Then, one day, Grezuul and hundreds of other death knights escaped from the Lich King’s grasp and were able to get back to Azoroth, but Grezuul did not go back home.

Since then, Grezuul has begun to remember things, but not all things from his past.  He has become something of a traveling messenger.  He has information regarding the location of Sylentsneaky’s parents. He wants to find his friend Sylentsneaky and tell him.  Grezuul goes to the Inn in the Cross Roads in the Barrens often, hoping that Sylentsneaky will show up there one day, or someone who passes through there will know where to find her.



SylentSneaky's Story

At the age of 10, Sylent Sneaky's parents died and Sylent was the only thing left of the Sneaky family. And since she had no one to help her, she lived in a train station for 5 years. She lived in a little hide out she found. She stole food and milk in order to survive, and she stole clockworks and copper in order to practice her engineering skills.

Her parents died in a house fire; she was lucky enough to escape, and since her parents died in a fire....her only fire.



Sneakyycatt's Story





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October 30, 2010