The <Aeterum Arcanum> Guild



Character Biographies



The story of Mekhresh Dirgeblade






Aug 24, 2010

      ~Pre-First War: Draenor (Childhood~Teen-ages)~

      Mekhresh was born a sickly child, often kept seperate from her other four siblings, for fear of weakening the other children.  As she aged her daily routine would usually consist of her being beaten by her brothers, ridiculed by her sisters, and shunned by her parents.  The cycle would repeat itself constantly, and would have lasted until her older days...but then something happened:  The Gronn destroyed her clan's camp, taking her prisoner amongst a few others, dragging them to the Blade's Edge Mountains far to the north of her homelands in Nagrand.

      While imprisoned by the Gronn, she learned quickly how to keep from being the next plaything of Gruul or his vile sons.  After feigning death for three days, forcing herself to abstain from eating or drinking, let alone moving, the Gronn felt her being dead made her of no use to them, and so they cast her body out of the lair, leaving her to the wilds.  In the dead of the night, as Draenor's moons traversed the night sky, she made her way out of the mountains...unsure where she was heading.  After a  few days of wandering (eating whatever she could salvage from the various Ogre camps that dotted the mountains.), she found herself in the vast swamp known as Zangarmarsh.  The swamp gasses stung her eyes, and the various sounds kept her on constant edge...this was perhaps the only thing keeping her from being devoured by the Marshfang Rippers that were plentiful in the area, amongst other beasts.

      After wandering the swamps for what felt like weeks to her, Mekhresh found herself in a different, yet inviting location...she had discovered what would later be known as Hellfire Peninsula.  The reddish landscape seemed like paradise compared to the swamp's dark, damp atmosphere, and she made no hesitation in running at full speed for a few moments.  She was unaware this whole time, but her time in the swamps had greatly improved her physical condition, and it was showing in her newfound stride.  She decided that being separated from her family was a sign from the Ancestors, and settled upon living alone in the reddish plains.  After a year or so of life in Hellfire, Mekhresh had noticed several parties of Orc warriors and shaman travelling through her little patch of Draenor.  Out of curiosity, she questioned one of the Orcs as they passed by...questions about who they were, where they hailed from, and where they were going...where and why.  The "Where" was simply answered with "Not far now..."...the "Why" was answered with only one word:  Gul'dan.  Apparently there was a powerful Orc "Warlock"...whatever that was...preparing to open a large gateway into another world...and that most of the Orc clans had rallied under him as a unified "Horde".  Still curious, Mekhresh followed after the other Orcs, and soon found herself flung headlong into a series of brutal struggles and bloodbaths known as... 

~The First War (Grunt Period Teen-Age~Early Adulthood)~

      Mekhresh proved herself fair with an axe, and this caught the attention of the infamous Grom Hellscream, leader of the Warsong Clan.  She was taken under his command, and soon saw him as a personal hero...adapting many of his ferocious techniques into her own style.  One thing she shared in common with many of the Warsong clan, was her fear-inducing fits of bloodthirsty rage, often leaping into combat with axe at the ready, viciously rending her foes to shreds before moving to the next, a whirling dervish of blades, blood, and bone.

      Unknown to her, however, was the fact that nearly every other Orc, save for certain clans branded as "Traitors", had steeped deep in the blood of Mannoroth, a terrible Pit Lord of the Burning Legion.  If she had known this, she would have been a bit more hesitant to follow them from settlement to settlement, razing the human lands bit by bit.

      Soon came the day she'd been hearing about...the assault on the Human's capitol of Stormwind.  Of course, she only heard about the siege...she had been off scouting nearby Duskwood...of course, with her sense of direction askew in this strange land, she easily became lost, and soon found herself in Deadwind Pass.  This location was close to the Swamp of Sorrows, and she felt a familiar sensation from when she was a younger orc.  Soon, she had found herself living quietly near the Tower of Karazhan...the caretaker and others associated with the tower didn't seem to notice her...or at least, didn't pay her any mind.  To this end, she was grateful, and continued her existence quietly...even after the death of the tower's master. 

~After the first war, Mekhresh seemed to disappear from history altogether.  It wouldn't be until the Fall of Archimonde that she would reappear in the pages of Azeroth's records, by now, a fully matured Adult.~ 

~Arena Years~

      Finding life in Orgrimmar dull and slow-paced, the former soldier Mekhresh found herself getting into tavern fights often, usually emerging as the victor.  The head of the Shattered Skull arena syndicate noticed her talents early, and recruited her to fight for them.  Learning what arena combat brought in terms of Honor and fame, she was more than happy to oblige the syndicate leader's request.  Brutally injuring, killing, and maiming her way to the top of the arena circuit, she found that most of the horde respected her, saw her for her strength, and drove her to fight harder.  Often, crowds would cheer her name as if it were thunder, rumbling the hearts of her every opponent. 

~Fighting Dirty~

      When the Blood Elves came into the Horde fold, Mekhresh found herself taking on opponents from a particular team rather frequently...the problem was, these fighters were augmented by their owner, a Blood Elf Magistrate with a knack for Alchemy.  He had been dosing his fighters with potent chemicals, in other words, he had been cheating...and soon, Mekhresh wouldn't be able to beat his fighters fairly.  After a long and furious bout with a Blood Elf rogue, Mekhresh discovered what was responsible for the Blood Elf's incredible stamina and strength...ripping a flask from the rogue's belt, and tossing it to the arena watcher, demanding it be analyzed.  A quick observation from a Forsaken Apothecary revealed that the mixture was laced with a potent mix of Felweed as well as Bloodthistle.  With proof of this weighed against the Magistrate, he was unconditionally barred from the Arena organization, and Mekhresh was given the victory by default. 

~Murderous Scandal and the Journey North~

      Days after the Magistrate was disqualified, he was found murdered in his guest lodgings, a tattered piece of Mekhresh's tabard clutched in his blood-stained fist.  Accused of the murder, Mekhresh was stripped of her honor and position, until she could be proven innocent.  It wouldn't be discovered until much later that the "Magistrate" was nothing more than a mere double, used by the Real magistrate to frame Mekhresh of wrongdoing...vengeance for costing him well over ten thousand gold in cheated profits.  Even after her name was cleared, she could never return to the arena...she had lost the heart of a gladiator...the drive to fight.  She refused to pick up cold steel for a long time after that...but soon, she would have no choice...a threat was looming over all of Azeroth that could not be ignored.  Upon Thrall's direct request, she donned the armor of her Soldier years, and trudged Ice Crown.  A human was causing trouble again for the world...ironic.  Sure, he was calling himself the Lich King...but his shell was human, none the less...he could die just like any other human... 

...Preferrably under her blade, begging for his life before being carved in two. 

~An invitation...~

      Mekhresh had been wandering the frozen north for a long while, having learned all she could in the ways of war, and now fought valiantly to crush the Scourge wherever it raised its ugly, decaying head.  Days before, she had been involved in the operation to shut down the Forge of Souls beneath Ice Crown Citadel, and now, she found herself in the bitter Pit of Saron.  After much fighting and death, she soon found herself facing off against one of the Lich King's lieutenants:  Scourgelord Tyrannus.  The fight was as harsh as the chilled air of Ice Crown...but after much effort, Mekhresh and her allies put the Scourgelord down for good.  Noting her strength, a Tauren druid by the name of Icce extended an invitation to join forces with her...Having never been in a true guild before, Mekhresh was unsure of how to respond...Listening to her gut instincts, she agreed to join Aeterum Arcanum, and so, she now travels with this group...feeling a kinship with them, as if they were the family she never got to have when she was a whelp.





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Sept 11, 2010