The <Aeterum Arcanum> Guild



Character Biographies



 The Story of Valindar

Valindar (a level 80 warrior)
 Valindar speaking with Queen Laara in Dalaran.  He wants to join our guild.
(August 24, 2010)


Valindar was originality Valindor on Stonemaul, a pvp server, and as far as I know was the original toon named Valindor.  For the better part of three years, he was a fury warrior.  He never tanked until he reached level 80.  Here’s his story.

Valindar was a simple man, a very average jeweler, who lived with his family.  He and his wife Vivian, daughter Anna, and son Garth, lived near what is now Undercity.  He wasn't wealthy or famous.  He made just enough to take care of his family and they were all happy with a simple life.

Early one morning Valindar was packing his bags, a lunch, and making ready to go to Brill to sell his latest batch of rings he had been working on for the last month, when he was distracted by shouting outside.  Not ever having visitors, he went out to see who was there.  To his horror, he saw walking undead ripping his livestock to pieces and, even worse, now he could see they were looking at him.

He ran inside, locked the door and frantically woke his family.  With his two children under his arms and his wife alongside him, he opened the back door to flee with them.  The sounds of slaughter filled the air as they moved as quickly as they could away from their home and towards town.  Stopping to catch their breaths a short distance away, looking back, they could see their cottage in flames.  Everything they had was gone, but that didn’t matter.  Valindar knew that if they didn't reach the safety of Brill quickly, they would be next to be slaughtered.

Valindar hurried them along, looking over his shoulder from time to time to see how close the undead killers were to them.  They were being followed. "At least they are slo....", he almost finished the sentence when, out of the corner of his eye, he saw more of them, and this time it was too late.  He yelled "Run!" to his family and turned to face the undead, hoping to give his wife and children time to reach the safety of the town. 

As they topped a close hill and went out of sight, the first of the monsters reached him. Having been a peaceful man and never having any experience in warfare, he wasn't sure what to do.  All he could think was "distract them" and that is what he did.  Picking up a large stick off the ground, he ran straight at the first one, bringing the stick down on its head as hard as he could.  He kept moving past them as he struck, screaming at them and hitting as many of them as he could as he went by them.  At first, he was happy his strategy worked as the lot of them were all following him.  Then he realized he had cornered himself in a ditch with three sides too steep to escape out of.  The only exit was the side that was now filling with hungry, mindless monsters.  As they drew near him, his mind was filled with frantic, fleeting thoughts, old family memories or his mother, his father, his wife and children, then blackness.

He felt like he was floating, weightless, as if he were a dingy on a lake whose anchor line had been cut.  No light, no sound, nothing.  Then he heard a faint rustling sound.  He opened his eyes.  It was the wind blowing dead leaves around him.  He sat up.  "What happened?" "Can it be, I'm not dead?” “But how could I have sur....?" "My family" All these thoughts burst into his head. 

He jumped to his feet and looked around.  There was no trace of the monsters who had been there.  "I have to find them (meaning his family)", he thought, and he started off towards the little hill where he had last seen them.  He picked up speed as he ran towards it, feeling nervous and hoping with all his heart that they had made it to safety.

He reached the top of the hill and started down the other side.  It was getting dark now. "I must have been out for a while", he thought as he ran down the hill. 

When he got to the bottom, he tripped on something and fell.  He got to his feet, turned and realized it was a woman, a dead woman who he had tripped over.  He bent down and gently turned her towards him.  It was his Vivian, his love, his world.  He was dumbstruck.  He sat there, holding her for a while, just staring at her beautiful face.  Even in death, she looked peaceful.  The only thing he could think of was the ring he had been making for her.  They were too poor to afford a wedding ring when they were married.  He'd always felt guilty for that. "I love you for the man you are, not for such earthly possessions", she had always said to him.  It was to be a 10th year anniversary gift to her, the finest ring he had ever made.

A single tear streamed down his face, but is was not sadness that griped him so tightly.  It was anger and rage.  Suddenly he felt stronger.  He gently lifted his dead wife's body, being as careful as he could, and placed her over his shoulder, and got to his feet.  "But the children", he thought, "they are not here."  "She must have sacrificed herself to save them".  He headed towards Brill, now in the dark.  He could see the town’s lights in the distance.

As he entered the own, he heard a loud voice call out, "Hold fast!" "Who goes there"?  He could see that most of the town was in ruins as he walked down the street.  It appeared as though the same monsters who had attacked his family had attacked here too.  There were several corpses strewn around the streets.  "Valindar" he called out in answer.  "It’s the gem cutter", he heard another guard say, "He survived". 

Out of the darkness walked several town guards.  He could see that most of them were injured in some way or another and all of them seemed different. "Come gem cutter", the guard said to him. "But my children" "Have you seen my children?" he asked. "Hurry, this way" the guard said, "We will explain".

Several hours passed, as Valindar and the few survivors of the surrounding area were briefed on the situation.  The Sergeant in charge of the briefing finished with "I'm sorry for all of your losses", and he stated that all were needed to help with the recovery and rebuilding effort.  He asked all who were present to sign a charter book, listing their own names as well as the names of their lost or dead family members and to write down how each of them thought they would be most useful.

Valindar’s list was as follows:

Valindar, alive

Vivian, Wife, Dead

Anna, Daughter, missing

Garth, son, missing

Use: “I am going to kill them all!


Valindar goes into battle with Icce
(Aug 29, 2010)


Valindar hanging around The Filthy Animal (the inn in Dalaran)
(Aug 30, 2010)





Justazar was originally a human paladin, on the Scarlet Crusade server, and was moved at level 60 to get more playing time and, to be honest, I just have more fun playing horde side.  His story is as follows:

Little is known of the paladin Justazar.  As an infant only a few months old, he was found on the steps of the gates at Silvermoon City by an old and questionable paladin by the name of Oswald.  Raised as the son of a paladin, he spent countless hours studying, drilling and praying.  Always shunned by the other sons and daughters of paladins for being "impure", he always felt a strong need to prove himself and to bring honor to his adopted family.  Most of his spare time was spent investigating his past to find out why he was left on the steps of the City and who his real parents were.





Asmindra was created for one reason: PvP. I wanted to have a toon that I could only focus on PvP with, a high dps toon, to kill as many Alliance folk as possible as fast as possible, lol.  Her story is as follows:

Asmindra was born into a family of honored and proven Gladiators, who are known for their combat ability and ruthlessness.  At the age of 5, training began every day, all day long.  From sun up till sun down, there was a dagger in each hand and she was taught to never show mercy and to kill or be killed.  Soon she began to stand out as being quicker and more cunning than the other children are and, at the age of 10, she was sent around all of Azeroth to train with the best that could be found.  She has spent every waking moment of her life training to kill.  It is all that she knows, all that she loves.  Asmindra joins the battle not to further the cause of the Horde, but simply to kill...



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Sept 1, 2010