The <Aeterum Arcanum> Guild



Character Biographies




Whizzy - at Level 1
(Yes, she's a goblin and yes she's green)

She's a shaman
(She was born on January 23, 2011)


Whizzy with her brothers, Raeow and Bloodblaze
(all level 2)
(They were also born on January 23, 2011) = Triplets


Whizzy with her other brother Hbomerz
at KTC Headquarters at Bilgewater Port, Kezan
(both level 2) (January 23, 2011)


Ginarrbrik, at level 14 - a warrior - another brother
(photo taken on April 7, 2011 in Orgrimmar)



Whizzy's Story

Whizzy and her brothers Bloodblaze, Raeow, Hbomerz and Ginarrbrik were goblins from Kezan.  They were all short with muscular arms that were quite capable of lifting heavy objects.  Of course, they all had beautiful green skin.  However, when it came to hair colour, each of them was different.  Bloodblaze and Wizzy had brown hair.  While Bloodblaze's was a dark brown, Wizzy’s was a lighter shade, more of a red-brown colour.  Hbomerz and Ginarrbrik had white hair and Raeow had turquoise hair.  Ginarrbrik preferred long hair, while Hbomerz and Raeow preferred shorter hair fashionably styled in a Mohawk cut.  Earrings said it all, and they all had big ears to pierce so they could proudly display them.  Raeow and Hbomerz got carried away and both had nose-rings too.  (What were they thinking? Sheeish!!)  

Whizzy, Bloodblaze and Raeow were triplets. Whizzy and Raeow were shaman, Bloodblaze was a mage, Hbomerz was a priest, and Ginarrbrik was a warrior.

Whizzy decided she was going to be a miner/ engineer, and she bought a mining pick and engineering hammer with her first cash.  Raeow wanted to pick plants and make amazing potions, so he decided to train in herbalism and alchemy.  Bloodblaze thought he would try his hand at something else besides mining and engineering for a change, but what??  Hbomerz, well, he needed to think about it too. Ginarrbrik was going to be a blacksmith, so he was also going to be a miner.


Bloodblaze was always dragging Whizzy around to do fun things.

They were all content living in Bilgewater Port on Kezan with their parents.  The island was fun.  


There was a huge swimming pool to swim in

with a  "jacuzzi" at the end of the swimming pool.


There was  a restaurant with outdoor tables to sit at while you'd eat,

 And, of course, everyone had a car.  


Whizzy loved her convertible. It had a big red button for the car horn that went “ah-ug-ah” when she pressed it, and the radio played all the latest music.  Three of her friends could sit comfortably in the back seat. She loved to whiz along the speedways, whipping around the island in her car while tooting her car horn and blaring the radio. The wind blowing through her hair and that of her friends in the back seat was a wonderful feeling to her.


 She was a little daring with the speeds she drove. She only ran off the road a few times.


Her brothers also loved to drive their cars around. You would often see them whizzing along roads, bumping and bouncing around, too.


Racing around so much, they often had to stop and get more petrol.


 The attendants liked to play jokes on Whizzy.


Everything was fun in Kezan.


Then the mountain volcano was about to erupt… Everyone had to get away quickly before it erupted. 

When they left Kezan, the only things they could take with them were the clothes on their backs.  There wasn’t enough time to pack anything and, in any event, there wasn’t enough room on the ship for anything other than the people who were escaping with their lives.  When the ship pulled out, Whizzy and her brothers were together with their parents on the boat.




However, when it became shipwrecked on the Lost Isles, they became separated in the water. 
Whizzy found herself  alone, "half-dead", laying on a waft.

Doc Zapnozzle was able to bring her back to life.

 “Where are we?”…  We are on “The Lost Isles”…



The Lost Isles was a green lush place, a jungle.


Wild animals roamed freely.  One had to be careful while walking around. 



Although Whizzy found her brothers Bloodblaze and Raeow while on The Lost Isles, there was no sign of her other brother or their parents. She just hoped that they had been saved and were somewhere on the islands too. She “just knew” they had to be alive.  Surely they had been rescued too. She could not believe them to all be dead.  She believed they would eventually “turn up”. So, rather then search for them and worry about it too much, she simply considered them to be lost.  After all, it didn’t’ seem to be too big a place.




Whizzy found her brother Raeow at the Town-in-a-Box, on The Lost Isles


Whizzy found that you could train in your professions at Town-in-a-Box, at the "Machine".


All you had to do was Just click on the "Machine".


Whizzy chose mining and engineering.


You could also speak to Doc Zapnozzle there, and get "First Aid" Training, which Whizzy did.




Raeow took Whizzy swimming one day and they saw a lot of seahorses (which were actually, in fact, baby naga).




Whizzy found her brothers Bloodblaze and Raeow, but there was no sign of her other brother or their parents. She just hoped that they had been saved and were somewhere on the islands. She “just knew” had to have been rescued and were alive.  She could not believe them to all be dead.  So rather then search for them and worry about it too much, she simply considered them to be lost, and figured they would meet up somewhere on the island.  After all, it didn’t’ seem to be too big a place. 



Whizzy found a "banker" at the Lost Caldera, on  "The Lost Isles"




Taking the "mining car" down the hill, was one awesome "roller-coaster" ride...


Whizzy at level 12


Looking back at the oil refinery on the beach... after Whizzy "blew it up"!


Whizzy decided to have a last meal on the barge, before heading to Orgrimmar.


Whizzy talking to Sassy Hardwrench <Your Former Executive Assistant> to get transported to Orgrimmar.
(at Level 13)


And upon landing at Baradin Bay, near Orgrimmar... Whizzy was put on a worg…


And away it went, carrying Whizzy into Orgrimmar...



 Although she was glad to be safe and alive, Whizzy missed her car. She thought it was a shame that she had had to leave it behind on Kezan when escaping from the volcano eruption. It would sure be nice to have it here in the Barrens.  And, of course, she wondered about her parents…





- all grown up -

Passing through the "Dark Portal" into the Outlands, at level 60



Whizzy In Orgrimmar, Kalimdor ... on a buying expedition, at Level 85.
 (She dinged 85 on April 4, 2011)


(Whizzy got her Netherwing Drake on April 4, 2011)



 Whizzy pursued her engineering, and was eventually able to drive/fly the helicopter that Malvandra had made for her.
(April 6, 2011)


 Raeow had grown up a lot too. 
At level 72, (April 6, 2011), he was quite the fighter.  He had impressive Brutal Gladiator Gear.


Whizzy was happy that her brother had come to visit her.

(Both of them in Orgrimmar, on April 6, 2001.
Raeow at level 72 and Whizzy at level 85.
Both Enhancement Shaman.)




 Where is the rest of the family?

After the great Cataclysm and the eruption of the volcano on Kezan, Whizzy and her brothers, Raeow and Bloodblaze found themselves orphans.  Although they were old enough to take care of themselves, having lost their parents and their other brother was a sad thing.  But, they had been lucky.  Some families had lost more. 

One of the other surviving families met Whizzy one day and told her that they had known her parents and, in fact, had a big surprise for her and her brothers… It turned out that they had a baby sister, who their parents had named Fiizzy.  Fiizzy had been born on The Lost Isles.



Whizzy's little sister Fiizzy
(at level 1)  (Fiizzy was born on April 6, 2011)


Fiizzy had been born in the cave… on The Lost Isles




Fiizzy at level 20... in Orgrimmar...
(April 7, 2011)
[She became a tailor/enchanter]


Fiizzy is quite the little mage...
(April 7, 2011)


Fiizzy buys her first car, at level 20... it's a 3-wheel trike.
(April 7, 2011)


Fiizzy, Whizzy and Raeow meet in Orgrimmar.
(Fiizzy at level 20, Whizzy at level 85, and Raeow at level 72)
(April 7, 2011)


Fiizzy, Whizzy and Raeow meet at the Barbershop in Orgrimmar.
(Time for a new hair style... Fiizzy and Whizzy visited the barbershop for a new "do".)
(April 7, 2011)


After only a few hours, Whizzy realized it was simply too much work to keep her new hair style looking "reasonably" elegant, so she went back to the barbershop and got a new, more "rugged" style.  It was a style more "wash and wear", more suited to Whizzy's personality.


The "Finished Look"
(April 7, 2011)



Family Members
The Sibblings

Whizzy = Aisse (Laara/Icce/Meenah/Veld, et al) - female gnome

Raeow = Raeowyn (Lifecrave) - male gnome

Bloodblaze = Malvandra (Killingblow) - male gnome

Fiizzy = Thorevalda (Talaanan) - female gnome (the youngest of the children)

Ginarrbrik = Luscious (Curn) - a male gnome

Hbomerz = Redbomerz (he died when the Cataclysm happened ...Dec 2010) - a male gnome



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January 28, 2011 - April 7, 2011