The <Aeterum Arcanum> Guild



Character Biographies



23. The Story of Zaiia


A Death Knight --- at level 60,  inside Dire Maul
(July 31, 2010)


Zaiia could not remember her past. She remembered waking up, feeling warm and strong, and thinking,  "Where am I?", "How did I get here?", "Why can't I remember anything?"



That was all she could think of in the days that followed.  Looking around, ...


... and then she remembered


Zaiia is a Death Knight who plays on Wyrmrest Accord (RP) server, is the daughter of Zaii, a level 55 Rogue who hails from the Lightbringer Server.  Yes, Zaii belongs to the Alliance faction.


Zaiia started off as a young Paladin who was turned to the dark side by the Lich King, turned into a Death Knight – [A Hero Class.  The original death knights were created for Orgrim Doomhammer by Gul’dan as powerful soldiers of the Horde.]

Now, Zaiia is a modern death knight of the Scourge, who possesses superior intellect and tremendous magical powers of Frost.

The Lich King is the master and lord of the Scourge, which he rules telepathically from the Frozen Throne atop the Icecrown Glacier.  Kil’Jaeden the Deceiver created the Lich King from the spirit of the orcish shaman Ner’zhul to raise an undead army to conquer Azeroth for the Burning Legion.  Initially trapped within the Frozen Thrown with Forstmourne, the Lich King eventually betrayed Kil’Jaeden and merged with the human Arthas Menethil.  With the destruction of Frostmourne and the death of Arthas, Bolvar Fordragon took the powers of the Lich King within himself, imprisoning the master of the Scourge within the Frozen Thrown once more.

Thus, Zaiia became the Death Knight of Archerous and works to further the Knights of the Ebon Blade in the Eastern Plaguelands, a faction consisting of the renegade death knights that broke free of the Lich King’s control after the battle of Light’s Hope Chapel.

Zaiia spends most of her days riding her Death Charger and her Blue Wind Rider, exploring Northrend.





AND of Zaiiria

A rogue - level 28
(April 7, 2010)

It was pleasant living in Silvermoon City.




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April 7, 2010 and August 2, 2010 and Nov 5, 2010